Weblog Mode | Contents | Macros {@blogmax.el} works by substituting your text files into templates that you define. It looks in the directory containing the text file for the template and then in each parent directory until it finds it. Most sites will just have one template in the main directory, but you don't have to do it that way. And you can also have two different sites that share some templates by making their root directories both children of a directory containing the templates. You control the substitution with macros, some of which look up shortcuts, some of which pull in file content, and some of which report certain information about the current file or your blog as a whole. You can also use the full power of Emacs Lisp in a macro. There are four templates:
Here's the page-template.tmpl file for this site. Note the \{txtLink} macro near the end of the file. That generates a link to the text file containing the page's contents. This allows you to easily get to the contents of each page in this site.
{include "../page-template.tmpl" t t}

Here's the story-template.tmpl file for this site. This replaces \{contentTemplate} in the text above.
{include "../story-template.tmpl" t t}

Here's the file templates.txt that provides the content for this page. This replaces \{storyContent} in the text above.
{include "templates.txt" t t}
Weblog Mode | Contents | Macros