Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Coffee Alert - DoD says Trans Infantry is Ay-Okay in this mans Army

US Army allowing first openly transgender infantryman to stay in

"In just under a year, women have joined the ranks of combat arms and a transgender man is even serving as a squad leader in the United States Army Infantry. Staff Sergeant Patricia King was born with the biological features of a man, but has been tormented by a sense of being in the wrong body since the age of eight, according to BI."

"Technically, SSG King could be discharged from the Army for being openly transgender, but since Ash Carter announced plans to rethink this policy, the Army has not been actively pursuing discharges."

“…we have transgender soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines – real, patriotic Americans – who I know are being hurt by an outdated, confusing, inconsistent approach that’s contrary to our value of service and individual merit,” said Carter."

My comprehension of the English language is not sufficient enough to appropriately express how I feel about this.  To be plain, I do not give a rip how gay he is.  My deep concern is the pandoras box this is in regards to 1. good order and discipline, and 2. uniform standards.  It may not make sense to an outsider looking in, but this is a huge game changer for the military.  Not in a good way.

Damn.  The Marines are going to give us so much shit over this.


Moe Death said...

To put it bluntly:

We are truly fucked.

Bill and Domino

Anonymous said...

There is an openly transgender Midshipman at the U. S. Naval Academy!!! #Truth

Anonymous said...

"Damn. The Marines are going to give us so much shit over this."

Yea, I'm sure the Russians and Chinese are totally cool with our TG policy though.

tayronachan said...

Not good. I don't agree.

15Fixer said...

I had a sergeant that was not allowed to deploy to a combat zone because he was diabetic. Medical facilities in a combat zone are for the health maintenance and wound treatment of medically healthy troops. Is ANYONE asking "What types of medical limitations do trans-people come with, are they the kind of problems that can be handled in field conditions, and if medically they can't fight under austere conditions, they aren't doing anyone any good, AND are a drag on the rest of the troops. This is just asinine, and this political administration is castrating the military. God please save us...

JohninMd.(HELP?!??) said...

Would you expect otherwise? It could be worse...Patricia could be Ranger-qualified... 😎

woodweezel said...

What has happened to this country ???

Not Me said...

In WWII there were cases of homosexuals being killed by their 'comrades'. One sailor was tossed overboard, others were shot or dealt with in other ways. The same thing has happened since then, and will happen again. If the queer or tranny is not an effective part of the group, too bad for them. Everyone must do their job, and if they can't or won't, they are expendable. That's life.

shawn w said...

Who fears the west anymore.
What a joke we've allowed ourselves to become.
We need a reset.

Anonymous said...


Just curious, do they need to meet male, or female physical standards?


Anonymous said...

15 Fixer - when you wrote "..are a "drag" on the rest of us..." was that tongue in cheek?

Anonymous said...

This is what it looks like when full blown mental illness makes policy. it is also what POLITICAL TERRORISM by the FRINGE mental cases looks like. See also the video on Youtube called "Grinding America Down" by Curtis Bowers. It documents how Communists would bring America to its knees for execution, and it was SPOT ON!

it could not be more obvious that the human race 's survival hinges on killing POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, DEAD. read into that as you will...

Sign Me, Neal Jensen

Anonymous said...

Fuck, now the army has to change all of our marching and running cadences.

"Two ole trannies rolling round in bed, one rolled over to the other and said. I wanna be a genetalia changer, I wanna live a life that's stranger!"

Anonymous said...

Consider the fact the U.S. Military is being trained to confiscate our firearms, shoot those "Tea Party Malcontents", and round the rest of the remnant up for incarceration, this is good news. Never interrupt your foes when they are busy destroying one another. This corrupt country is headed for a huge chastisement. Get prepared.

Witold Pilecki said...

That picture makes me want to puke.

Anonymous said...

At least SSG King can carry his/her own rucksack - unlike the unfit FMs (female Marines) that the USMC has been ordered to accept into combat units.

Anonymous said...

WTF. All their ducks seem to be lining up in a row. For that blue helmeted army to take over .As the only global military and police force. My helmet collection is sorely lacking a blue bullet riddled helmet. Behind enemy lines , Ct.

Anonymous said...

The situation in the Marines is no better. They will go full on Trans/Gay whatever in the combat arms as a sop to POTUS and his handlers. Before I retired, I worked in the same office as a quietly openly gay Marine NCO. We kept it professional and he never caused issues. His fabulousness was kept to a dull roar.

However, with the pending full gayification of the forces, the internal cohesion will utterly shatter. There will be no standards that can be upheld except to be a freak, anything else will be some sort of -phobia, or -ism that gets prompted by the Marxist handlers of the idiots. In group and out group resentments will simmer and fairly hideous behaviors will emerge.

It is my position that this "development" is being used as effectively as Sarin or Novichok series agents upon the exposed psyches of American service members. It is hard to fight a war when much of the training time will be taken up by gender pronoun training, and all the other crap.

Liberals need to really ask themselves if they truly understand what happens after such a policy is fully implemented. It won't be pretty at all. Just consider "Cui Bono?" and follow that line of thought.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing that this is happening in broad daylight right under our noses and most feel powerless to do anything to stop it. Maybe all we can do is react when its too late.
Are we just along for the ride?

Anonymous said...

Being transgendered didn't stop transgendered Navy SEAL Kristin Beck from completing 16 deployments and earning a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.

oughtsix said...

Yeah, right.

"Kristin" didn't come out or begin to live as a "woman" until after 20 years of service, during which time, "she" said, "NO ONE EVER KNEW THE REAL ME."

In other words, as far as anyone"she" served with, "she" was a man and none of the issues attendant to this "open" shite obtained.

Since when is mental illness a civil, or any other kind of, right?

We have been bludgeoned with this corruption to the purpose of cowing us into submission to anything the would be masters can dream up.

Time's up.

Maxwell said...

So... we 'know' that there are trans personnel in every branch and department of the armed services? And up until today, there was a BAN on transgendered personnel in the armed forces?

Why were they there up until now? Why were there no prosecutions nor discharges?

Force of law in the military is as dead as it is in civilian life.

We are so hosed.

Anonymous said...

A man that thinks he is a woman is no different than someone thinking they are Napoleon. Having said that, this may be the only way the services can get "women" that can actually get through advanced combat training.