Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Obama: Muslims Built 'The Very Fabric of Our Nation'

"Well, gentlemen, since we all are of one sentiment on this, I suggest we begin with, 'Dear Mr. Obama, although we understand that your knowledge of history is quite fragmentary and therefore skewed, we must ask, are you out of your frigging mind?!?'"
"Allahu Akbar"


Anonymous said...

Well, Obama is a damned muslim, so whaddaya expect?

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

The danger here is the number of "low information" idiots that will believe this tripe!

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this absolutely stupid comment.

Anonymous said...


The religion of blood (Islam) did not build anything. Islam is a criminal cult of murder, rape, war, forced conversions, and slavery. Followers of the one true and living God built this nation. Those who put their faith in Jesus made this nation, it was born out of a desire for freedom. Allah is the moon god, and he is not god.

Darren said...

Recall the libertarian writer Rose Wilder Lane (daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder of "Little House" fame) who wrote:

"Americans owe directly to the Saracens our southwestern and Californian architecture, our cotton industry, our asphalt paving, and a long list of such things as beds, table and bed linens, small occasional tables, strawberries, ice-cream. Americans speak Arabic when they say, mattress, sofa, cotton, talcum, sugar, coffee, sherbert, naphtha, gypsum, benzine. Our cars run, our streets are paved, our houses are furnished and our bodies clothed with things that the Saracens created. The Christian kingdoms in the Saracens' world lasted less than a century. The heirs of their Crusading founders became indistinguishable from the Moslems in their customs, manners
and dress, as the other Christians were in that civilization.

Then the Moslem emir (who was a Kurd) proposed an alliance with England. He offered his sister in marriage to Richard the Lion-Hearted, who was crusading at the time. But Richard intended to return to England, and sensibly he refused to take home a Moslem Queen.

Since the Christian King would not make peace, the Moslems attacked and took Jerusalem. They did not sack it, and as soon as its defenders surrendered, they released their prisoners. The terms that the victorious emir imposed upon the invaders were, that they must go home. He gave them forty days in which to dispose of their property or pack it before leaving.

During the forty days, the people in Jerusalem bitterly complained to the emir that the departing Christians were seizing everything they could lay hands on. They demanded that the emir stop this plundering. The emir replied, "If I stop them, they will say that I have broken my word. Let us give them an opportunity to praise the goodness of our religion." He let the people in Jerusalem protect their own property as best they could, and the Europeans got away with quite a lot of loot.

But the returning Crusaders brought back to Europe the first idea of a gentleman that Europeans had ever had. Until they invaded the Saracens' civilization, they had never known that a strong man need not be brutal. The Saracens were splendid fighters when they fought, but they were not cruel; they did not torture their prisoners, they did not kill the wounded. In their own country, they did not persecute the Christians. They were brave men, but they were gentle. They were honorable; they told the truth, they kept their word. This ideal of a gentleman especially impressed the English. It is still producing perhaps the finest class of human beings on earth today, the men and women of the British ruling class. It is an ideal that permeates all of American life. This is what surprises so many people in many parts of the world, when they see and meet the common American soldiers and sailors.

-- From "The Discovery of Freedom" by Rose Wilder Lane,1943


Anonymous said...

The fabric was made from Buquas . Line up ladies for yours.

Pericles said...

Like what? Without the Barbary Pirates, the Marine Corps Hymn just wouldn't be the same. That is a powerful contribution right there.

Sean said...

Damnation be on their pig-god allah, and the swine Obongo who kow-tows to it. Obongo and his idiots don't amount to a pinch of owl dung, when it comes to what makes this country.

Will Flatt said...

Technically, 0bama is correct - albeit accidentally. Muslims acted in a manner, during Tom Jefferson's presidency, that necessitated the deployment of the USMC to "the shores of Tripoli", and immortalized in the Marines Hymn - a verse that is so familiar that even other military branches and civilians are familiar with it.

Muslims were fought by 'Black Jack' Pershing over 100 years ago, adding to our national fabric's understanding of that culture, and the adoption of the only known effective remedy: sewing these SOB's corpses into pigskins for burial.

To that I would add that the proper use of bacon grease is to lube your bullets, mortar shells, etc. in addition to tank treads and other implements of anti-insurgent warfare... ;-)

I'll conclude that our 'national fabric' has been influenced by the muslim culture sufficiently that kevlar is the new weave. May the fleas of 1,000 camels infest 0bama's armpits for ever and ever.

Anonymous said...

Obozo might have have a point: if it weren't for the Barbary Pirates raising hell in the Med and kidnapping US citizens, we wouldn't have sent in the Marines; Washington wouldn't have penned the letter saying America was "not a Christian nation"; and Reagan wouldn't have been elected getting the hostages out of Iran. Praise Allah for the consistent 7th-century behavior of his followers...

skybill said...

Hi Mike,
'Just like in Cheech & Chong's comedy skit "The kamakazi pilot" Matsumoto's answer to the group leaders' question, "Yououttayouf%#knmind!!!!!!!!!!!!"
It couldn't be said better!!!
Perhaps a "Him!!!"
With all due respects to the Scare-us-valley-tallywacker-choir.

God, Guns and Guts Keep America Free,

Anonymous said...

Yes, but......

There is quite a distance between the Saracens Richard II encountered and their modern day descendants.

Tom said...

Missed any Muslim Minutemen, Colonials, or notable Muslims that took up arms against King George. Perhaps I'm wrong but no Muslim names come to mind at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence, or The Federalist papers. Don't recall the manifest of the Mayflower having any Abdul's. The Spainards were Catholics. Hmmmm. Perhaps BHO is just a delusional ass clown. He mentioned this BS before at his Cairo speech, where the call to prayer from the Mineret was his favorite sound.
Praise The Lord, and Pass The Ammunition comes to mind before all this is over.
(Insert expletive) joke.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Obama, Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.
Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians. Can you show me one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or the Bill of Rights?
Didn’t think so.
Did Muslims fight for this country’s freedom from England? No.
Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not.
In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half-brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as “pug nosed slaves.”
Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family’s “rich Islamic heritage,” doesn’t it Mr. Obama?
Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present.
There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.
Where were the Muslims during this country’s Woman’s Suffrage era? Again, not present.
In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture, so much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the ‘burka’ or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband.
Yep, the Muslims are all for women’s rights, aren’t they?
Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi’s in killing Jews.
Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren’t flying planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

Reverberations here in Virginia. State Senator calls for the resignation of state GOP treasurer, for posting the obvious:

Anonymous said...

Obama is just sucking up to the Muslims in the hope that when TSHTF they will refrain from killing him.

Anonymous said...

Dear O'Bummer,
Please name ONE, just ONE, concrete and historical example of what you have pulled out of your 4th point of contact?
(chirp. . . chirp. . . chirp. . .)

Now, it may be that the PRE-Muzzies, the PERSIANS, are who you are obliquely referring to as having contributed much to western (and American) society. But if you dig a little deeper, you will find as much hatred of the Persians toward the Muzzies as between any other two peoples in the world.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...


You mean like the same Saracens who now hang gay people, practice slavery, cut womens genitalia, throw acid in little girls faces, defile graves, burn/wreck ancient monuments, behead for sport, strap bombs to their kids, etc. I have spent many years in the Middle East and Europe among her gentleman Saracens and I can tell you that most have the manners and disposition of a goat. The other ones are just trying to sell you something you will regret.

In short, she can sell that shit to the tourists, but I ain't buying it.


Can someone please tell me what good has come from that region that could not have been already attributed to the Byzantines?

Darren said...

Anonymous said...

"Darren, You mean like the same Saracens who now hang gay people, practice slavery,etc...Can someone please tell me what good has come from that region that could not have been already attributed to the Byzantines?"

You can chose to ignore history and reality if you like. Muslims have made many contributions to mankind. A more interesting question than the rather confused one which you posed is what causes great civilizations to deteriorate and is there a lessen in the fall of past civilizations that would be beneficial to those of us who live in the degenerating Western culture of today?

Other thoughts include:

-- If you truly fear Islam wouldn't it be better to take a realistic look at its history in order to know your enemy better?

-- How will the 3 percent respond if the government attempts more Wacos while using war against a Muslim or perhaps a Russian enemy to stifle and vilify any domestic dissent? Fomenting fear of "the other" is the oldest trick in the book used by tyrants to control the home population.

Anonymous said...

Islam has been a destructive force from inception.
History demonstrates that it is indeed the cult of pieces.

Some fools act like Islam is thousands and thousands of years old. It is not. Many things attributed to Muslims may well have come from and out of that part of the world but much was before Islams fabrication and even from the early days it tries to take credit for that which has ZERO to do with Islam. Let's say a Muslim discovers a cute for cancer - it has zero to do with Islam, yet some would claim its a Muslim contribution.

Knock it off.

Muzzies are usurpers and destroyers. Read their book. Read that Koran. See it for yourself.

Anonymous said...


Tisk. Tisk. You evade the question of moral relevence to the highly romanticized version of your story of the conquest of Jerusalem to the modern day inheriters of a 1600 year war against the "Other".

I mean, if you want to start talking about a inherently xenophobic society, let's take a quick look muslim cutlure. How do they treat infidels? Hows about muzzies who turn apostate? Hows about the rape cuture in and out of Dar Al Islam? Bet the cat gets your tongue one that one, Sport.

Q1: I agree and I have. Hence why I detest the religion and it's practitioners. But you misread me. I do not fear Islam. I hate it to my very core. I have seem what they to to each other and to strangers. I see what they do to their cities and how they treat the small and innocent. I have no problem with discriminating bad and deeply poisonous philosophies. Why do you seem to burden yourself so?

Q2: Muzzies, little green men from Mars, MS13, no matter. A tyrants going to be a tyrant despite the impetus. Why dont we worry about something more important like how to prevent further strikes against the Constitution? Sound like a plan?

Darren said...

Anonymous said... "Darren, Tisk. Tisk. You evade the question of moral relevence to the highly romanticized version of your story of the conquest of Jerusalem..."

It's not my story. I posted the words of Rose Wilder Lane, a libertarian author who was well respected by the conservatives of her day. The book from which the passage was extracted is called "The Discovery of Freedom" and it discusses four major points in history in which the modern concept of freedom developed. One of the key events she cites is the establishment of Islam. You can read her work yourself if you'd like to better understand her reasoning and the authentic history which supports it.

Albert Jay Nock said that Lane's works were "the only intelligible books on the philosophy of individualism that have been written in America this century." Robert LeFevre called The Discovery of Freedom "one of the most influential books of the 20th century."

Did something about Islam change in the past few decades since those words were written or has something changed about the average American's ability to realistically view the world and its history? I would suggest it's the latter. But despite the common and heavily propagandized view that Islam is pure evil there remain some intelligent conservative thinkers such as Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan who see Muslim bashing for what it is -- a simple method of justifying big government imperialism to those with simple minds.


Anonymous said...


That was a pretty windy response which sums up as "thats just like your opinion, man". I am sure your (ahem, their) glamorization of a moon god death cult who has been a thorn in civilisations side since its inception may seem credible to you and yours but me and mine are not buying it. I don't care if it was penned by both Mahatma Ghandi and Mark Twain. We can self depricate our civilization until every cloud has a silver lining but it does not change how the muzzie world has treated every single other civilization it has come across since Mad Mo took up the sword.

Okay, I will make it easy for you. Name one muzzie country whose major export is not misery and oil, who is not under watch for grevious human rights abuses (Turkey's out so dont try it).

If you think that Muzzies getting antsy is a new phenomenon, you have a considerable amount of reading to do. There are many good documentaries via Youtube on the Dark Ages (spoiler alert: it was not because the Germans could not figure out an aquaduct). Start with Charles the Hammer kicking the muzzies from France and work your way through Charlemagne and up through the fall of the Ottomans in WWI. You'll get there.

Anonymous said...

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That was a pretty windy response which sums up as "thats just like your opinion, man". I am sure your (ahem, their) glamorization of a moon god death cult who has been a thorn in civilizations side since its inception may seem credible to you and yours but me and mine are not buying it. I don't care if it was penned by both Mahatma Ghandi and Mark Twain. We can self deprecate our civilization until every cloud has a silver lining but it does not change how the muzzie world has treated every single other civilization it has come across since Mad Mo took up the sword.

Okay, I will make it easy for you. Name one muzzie country whose major export is not misery and oil, who is not under watch for grevious human rights abuses (Turkey's out so dont try it).

If you think that Muzzies getting antsy is a new phenomenon, you have a considerable amount of reading to do. There are many good documentaries via Youtube on the Dark Ages (spoiler alert: it was not because the Germans could not figure out an aquaduct). Start with Charles the Hammer kicking the muzzies from France and work your way through Charlemagne and up through the fall of the Ottomans in WWI. You'll get there, Sport.

I apologize for any spelling errors or if this posts double. Typing on an ipad is a bit tedious.

Darren said...

Anonymous (if that is your real name), just read "the Discovery of Freedom" and be done with it. It's quite amazing to me that you refuse to not only recognize the actual history of Islam through its various ups and downs but that you are dead set against the history of 20th century conservationism which is not nearly as long ago or far away.

Real conservatives promote peace, dialogue and free trade not collectivist hatred and stupidity. That is one of the main themes of Lane's "The Discovery of Freedom." It's a shame that you refuse to read it in order to understand the roots of conservative thought, if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

(Whispering to Darren) You sit on a throne of lies.

Anonymous said...


I am sincerely not sorry for not being as enamored with this single piece of literature as you seem to be. As for being a professed libertarian, I find it a bit alarming that you would be so slavish to one persons opinion so much so as to not see the mountain of evidence in recent memory which clearly contradicts the romanticized idea of the civilized barbarian.

The sooner that you accept the idea that some people just do not like you, the better off you will be. Some people want you thrown in the waste bin of history. It is not the worst thing that could happen. Failing to recognize that threat is.

If you really believe that 9-11, and the London and Madrid bombings were a cry for help, you really need to pick up some different books. It is crap like this is why no one takes the Libertarian Party seriously. Especially in a time when the two party system has failed us so completely and we are in such desperate need of an alternative.

Darren said...

Anonymous said "It is crap like this is why no one takes the Libertarian Party seriously."

There's your problem. You don't take the right of every individual to self determination seriously.

As far as I'm concerned you are free to live life as a slave to propaganda if you so chose (despite the irony) -- just take care to heed the warning of those who cherish their own freedom and that of others: "Don't Tread on Me."

Anonymous said...


I will take your silence and ham fisted deflection on each of my questions and points as quiet agreement. No need to look tough to your friends on my account.

Darren said...

Anonymous said...Darren, I will take your silence and ham fisted deflection on each of my questions and points as quiet agreement. No need to look tough to your friends on my account"

I'm not the least bit interested in your questions. The topic at hand is has Islamic culture made any contributions to American culture.

I presented you with a text which shows numerous contributions by Muslims to Western and ultimately American culture. That text was written by and recommended by individuals with the very best conservative reputations.

You have refused to review the information provided to you and instead have gone off on multiple tangents.

Not only are you woefully ignorant of history, but you prefer propaganda foisted upon you by neoconservatives (a philosophy with Trotskyist roots) over well written essays crafted by some of the finest conservative minds.

Don't worry about how tough you think I am. Worry about how tough it is for you to challenge your own incorrect assumptions.

Anonymous said...


You're mad because i will not stop what I am doing and read your crappy book? Quite the little drama queen, aren't we? Again, your slavish devotion to this text is rather alarming.

You can call an elephant a duck but it does not make it avian. Just as you may call me an evil, republican, Statist, (or whatever other buzzwords you hipsters are using these days), because I will dare question that the Mohammedans gave this country anything other than grief. If that is all you have, I maintain that you need to get some new material.

And dont you worry about me, Sport. Taking a few trips around the world has broadened my world view considerably. I would recomend you do the same as shooting spitballs from your Ivory Tower seem to be doing you no favors.

Darren said...


If you find reading a book to be too strenuous just try this single paragraph from the 1797 US Treaty with Tripoli:

"Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen,—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

Neither President Adams nor the 1797 Senate shared your view that Muslims are all bad all the time. Now go ahead and tell me how the Founding Fathers were just a bunch of hipsters who never did anything that someone with your experience and education would approve.

Anonymous said...


Ohhh, so happy you brought up the Barbary Wars. Yes, as they are prone to do, Muzzie ships were choking off our trade in the Med so we went to war with them. If you knew about Muzzie history and its fondness to choke off trade (again, see the dark ages), you would not be so flippant. Are you to tell me that this is your one shining case of muzzies being tied to the fabric of the United States?

Look, if you have to try and scrape the barrel of obscure treaties and pasages that, perhaps, might mention a Mohammedan, you are really proving my point. The fledgling US forged a nation despite of them, not because of them. And I am going out on a limb here and am going to say you have never negotiated anything in your life. That passage of the treaty is pretty damn shameful, but given the historical significance of Muzzies killing trade and the US desperately wanting to get some commerce going, I cannot hold it against him.

In recent news, Boko Harem is now using the explosives and chemicals raided from a chinese mine to strap bombs on little girls and remote detonate them when people come to their rescue. Those people have a little book that says it is okay. Those people want you dead. You defend those people. Shameful.