Saturday, September 28, 2013

Your tax dollars at work blaming the victims. Janet Napolitano's fair-haired Jihadi extremist.

DHS adviser to persecuted Christians: You incited Muslims.


SWIFT said...

It's just like the Big Bull Dyke to appoint an enemy of Christians to an advisory board. It is just like the Homies to promote the prick. What a pack of cockroaches and un-American freaks.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect? A muslim could never be wrong, ESPECIALLY considering who appointed him.


Paul X said...

Keep in mind who paid him. Hatred and fear are the coin of the fascist realm.

Anonymous said...

Just one question: how much oil money has been received or promised to the sleaze that our country is currently being run by?

BadCyborg said...

Can you spell "pogrom"? And since the poxy bastards segregate/isolate THEMSELVES (the Jews in pre-WWII Europe had no choice) I reckon that the "pogroms" will nothing so much as shooting fish in a barrel.

I believe that there are a LOT of people out here in "fly-over country" who will not take at all kindly to having sharia law rammed down their throats. The backlash will be horrific! The Muzzies are sewing the seeds of their own suffering and eventual downfall. And I do not expect it to be even a little bit pretty.

Anonymous said...

Info and links on Muzzie Bros including CIA Director and converted muzzie John Brennan, same swine who worked as advisor for Zero the usurper who kept being promoted thru Zero's reign for his security firm's 2008 scrubbing of Zero's passport application file.

QuietMan said...

I've seen armed, incited Muslims run into armed, calm, well led Christians on several occasions, in several places. Be careful what you wish for, Mo.

gunnyg said...

Face it, the entire US Gov't has been infiltrated by Muslims, commie radicals, and scumbags with ties to terrorists like Bill Ayers. From FUBARack Obama to Hagel to Brennan to Jarrett to the rest of the vermin, we are ON OUR OWN!