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01/18/2007 Archived Entry: "Cory Maye's Justice Fund -- balance $0"

CORY MAYE'S JUSTICE FUND -- BALANCE = $0. So reports Radley Balko of The Agitator (the great hero in ensuring that Maye didn't rot forever on death row).

Maye doesn't need money for his legal defense. That's being done pro bono by another Maye-case hero, Bob Evans and the law firm of Covington and Burling. But he does need money to fund visits from his children and for such sanity-preserving items as pens, paper, envelopes, and stamps for letters.

I'll be sending $25 today. Got anything you can spare for this tragic victim of drug-war and SWAT-raid abuse?

The address is:

Cory Maye Justice Fund
c/o R.E. Evans
P.O. Box 636
Monticello, MS 39654

And Balko notes that if any donor has any doubt whether the money is being well-spent, Maye and Evans will provide a full accounting on request. (More info on Maye's plight is here. Read the blog entries from the bottom up if you don't already know the story.)

Posted by Claire @ 01:42 PM CST

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