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12/16/2006 Archived Entry: "Notice for 2AM newsgroup subscribers"

IF YOU'RE A SUBSCRIBER TO THE 2ND AMENDMENT NEWS DIGEST or want to be, please read the following notice from Mary Lou Seymour. Seems a Yahoo accident wiped out the entire newsgroup and its subscriber list. Members will need to subscribe anew. Here's from ML:

Due to either a Yahoo breakdown or a cyberattack by unknown persons, the 2AM News email edition, located at Yahoo groups, was deleted last week. (Our parent pub, RRND, was also deleted.) Unfortunately, the entire email subscriber list for 2AM News was lost, presumably forever.

So, I have created a new Yahoo group, 2AM News Digest, located here

If you were a subscriber, please resubscribe by clicking on the above link.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and have taken steps to insure it won't happen again (like having TWO group owners:-) (And if you weren't already a subscriber, please subscribe! The email edition comes out each weekend, and includes the 2AM news and commentaries from the past week.)

Mary Lou

Posted by Claire @ 08:39 PM CST

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