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09/28/2006 Archived Entry: "New Wolfesblog Amazon.com aStore"

I JUST CREATED AN AMAZON.COM aSTORE FOR WOLFESBLOG. It's something new Amazon is offering affiliates. If this works out, updating my Amazon book/DVD selections will be about a thousand times easier (meaning I'll do it more often) and browsing should be more fun and varied for you.

I get to feature up to nine products, then Amazon chooses hundreds more (check the category links) based on the items Wolfesblog readers enjoy. My preliminary browse says their selections in some categories (like books) are pretty well targeted to Wolfesblogian interests. In other categories ... well, judge for yourself.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

As always, neither Debra nor I ever see any personal information on purchasers. We see what sells through our links, but never to whom.

Posted by Claire @ 06:41 AM CST

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