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08/31/2004 Archived Entry: ""I gave up a little liberty ...""


by Hugh Emerson, Libertarian Party of Missouri

I gave up a little liberty for security because I wasn't as prudent as my ancestors. I couldn't be trusted to plan for my retirement, so I let them withhold money from my paycheck for social security.

When I found out there wasn't a trust fund and that I could guarantee myself a better retirement if I could just keep my own money, I felt less secure.

I wanted my liberty back.

I gave up a little liberty for security because I wasn't as strong as my ancestors. I would probably just become a drug addict if drugs weren't so hard to get, so I let them wage the war on drugs in order to be more secure.

When I heard that a friend had experienced a "no-knock" search by accident because the police had transposed two digits of an address, and when I realized drug prohibition, like alcohol prohibition before, was creating the profits for gangs of organized criminals who terrorized the residents of our cities, I felt less secure.

I wanted my liberty back.

Read the rest here.

(Thanks, Ernie Hancock.)

Posted by Claire @ 02:32 PM CST

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