Contents | Installation BlogMax extends the power of {@Emacs} to ease the maintenance of a weblog, a frequently updated web site containing links and commentary. The name BlogMax is a combination of Blog and {@Emacs} with a curtsy in the general direction of NewsMax. If you don't use Emacs, but you do a blog, it might be worth your while to learn Emacs just so you can use BlogMax. And yes, I sometimes have other illusions of grandeur. BlogMax is loosely patterned after {@Dave Winer}'s {@Manila}. My weblog, {@End the War on Freedom}, started life as a Manila site at {}. Many thanks to Dave and company for creating Manila and making it available to the world via and other sites. I have tested BlogMax in Emacs 20.3.1 on Windoze, a couple of Emacs versions on a couple of Linux installations, and XEmacs 21.1 on RedHat 7.1 (VMWare rocks!). If you fix problems with it or add neat new features, send them on over and I'll consider adding them (in my copious spare time). BlogMax turns stylized HTML stored in text files into complete HTML. The following conversions are provided: Contents | Installation