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12/02/2006 Archived Entry: "Hardyville: The Coup, Part V (and an exciting new development)"

I FORGOT TO NOTICE THAT YESTERDAY was Hardyville day. In the little town west of the middle of nowhere "The Coup" continues -- with some very unfortunate developments.

However, in the real world that contains Hardyville, there have been fortunate developments indeed. Beginning at the first of the year, you'll be able to read the continuing Hardyville stories every Monday.

I figured two+ weeks was waaaay too long to wait between installments in an ongoing story (and ongoing stories is what I hope to do from here on). So I asked. Webmaster Oliver Del Signore interceded with publisher Dave Duffy on behalf of Hardyville ... and voila! we have a weekly schedule.

The more frequent columns will be a six-month experiment. They must prove their worth in terms of increased readership and increased ad revenues. With the latter in mind, Oliver is creating an all-Hardyville banner ad program. You can already see on the new page layout where some of the banners will be and soon I'll have info for advertisers.

Readership numbers already took a nice leap with the beginning of "The Coup." In the coming months, we're hoping Hardyville will be the place to be for independent-minded advertisers. If you run a business and are interested in advertising to Hardyvillians, please contact Oliver: webmaster @ backwoodshome.com. Tell him Claire sent you.

Posted by Claire @ 10:18 AM CST

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