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09/10/2003 Archived Entry: "More on CASPIAN RFID protest"

AT 10:00 A.M. ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, CASPIAN plans a protest against radio-frequency tracking chips (RFID), to be held outside McCormick Place in Chicago. Inside McCormick Place on that day, the spychip industry will be formally announcing its consumer-tracking network.

Because of the weekday and the limited time to organize, CASPIAN is having trouble getting local activists to stand with them. We must raise a public-media ruckus about this evil plan, and not just chat about it on the Net. If you're in Chicago or know activists there, please plan to attend or urge others to attend. Contact Katherine Albrecht at kma@nocards.org to offer your help.

Posted by Claire @ 09:15 AM CST

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