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05/07/2003 Archived Entry: "Buglars need protection from violent victims"

DO YOU REMEMBER THE FARMER FROM THE UK WHO GOT A LIFE SENTENCE FOR KILLING A BURGLAR? In a fit of near-sanity, his sentence was eventually reduced to a "mere" five years for manslaughter. But now, here's what British government lawyers have to say:

Government lawyers trying to keep the Norfolk farmer Tony Martin behind bars will tell a High Court judge tomorrow that burglars are members of the public who must be protected from violent householders. ...

In legal papers seen by The Independent, Home Office lawyers dispute Mr Martin's contention that he poses no risk to the public because he only represents a threat to burglars and other criminals who trespass on his property.

They say: "The suggestion ... that the Parole Board was not required to assess the risk posed by Mr Martin to future burglars or intruders (on the grounds that they do not form part of the public at large) is remarkable.


(And thanks for this one, too, Rick.)

Posted by Claire @ 02:56 PM CST

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