Fourth issue of "P.A." is in the mail

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 22 Jun 2001 08:50:18 GMT
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 19:37:19 -0800
From: (Vin Suprynowicz)
Subject: fourth issue of "P.A." is in the mail

Hi --

Well, the June issue of "Privacy Alert" is in the mail ... and that makes four.

Time for me to take a minute and thank the hundreds of you who have come aboard as subscribers, loaning us your financial as well as your moral support.

"Privacy Alert" is a work in progress. We knew from the start it would involve some heavy machete work, since I decline to simply re-hash what others have reported -- we go out in the field and check it out ourselves.

But I must say, it's nice to have already heard from so many who appreciate what we're doing.

The issue that just went into the mails was our "Guns and Wild West" special, featuring an update by Arizona gun rights researcher Alan Korwin on the new anti-gun-show bill in Congress (it's much worse than you thought); the first installment of what Claire Wolfe promises us will be an occasional series profiling ON-shore privacy havens (we started with Big Horn County, Wyoming); a profile of Naish Piazza's "Front Sight" firearms training academy in southwest Nevada; this month's Self-Defense Tip (we stumble on a shipment of quality Philippine-made Colt .45s now available for under $300 ... in NEW JERSEY), and my exclusive report on the McGuckin "teen-age stand-off" in Sand Point, Idaho ... including (naturally) the part of the story the Associated Press didn't bother to tell you.


I used to talk and write about home schooling -- anything to rescue one more young soul from those Ritalin-drenched, mind-numbing, government youth propaganda camps. I used to talk and write about exercising our gun rights before they're gone and teaching your neighbors and friends about the power of the fully informed jury.

I still talk and write about those things - I'm still going to, all the time.

But I finally realized I was acting like one of those pathetic pig-headed French generals in World War One, pointing out the enemy, waving my sword, and shouting "Charge!" to an increasingly dubious audience - sending warriors into battle against a ruthless foe without providing them with any useful armor.

I'd fallen into the oldest excuse of all ... "It's not my job."

Because it "wasn't my job," what I hadn't bothered to figure out -- let alone explain -- was how those of us who want to resist America's burgeoning welfare/police state and set this nation back on a course to freedom can stand immune the first time -- and the second and third -- some government flunky decides to freeze our assets, go after our homes and families with some bogus charge of "money laundering" or "tax evasion" or "child abuse" ... or anything else that strikes his fancy.

How do you divorce yourself from the system so that they can't even find most of your assets - or at least can't connect the home and car you're using as legally "yours" - well enough to grab them?

How can you keep paying your bills and putting food on the table as they search in vain for your bank accounts (which you either don't have or are held in the name of a trust)?

How can you feel secure enough to smile at the snarling child-welfare worker and say, "No, no one in this house has volunteered to submit to the authority of your payroll taxes, your government propaganda camps, or your "free public health" programs. So you just don't seem to be finding that "regulatory nexus" the court says you need to get in here and mess with us -- do you, babe?" ... as you gently close the door in her face?

I don't have all the answers. (At the start, I had embarrassingly few.) But I have built an inspired and motivated research team that's helping me track them down as fast as I can. Beyond that, I firmly believe the need for this information is too urgent to ask folks to sit around for a year or two while I craft and edit a book ... a book that would probably be mostly out of date before we could even get it printed.

And so was born, of necessity and determination and hope, our monthly snail-mail newsletter, "Privacy Alert."


Privacy Alert is an interactive work in progress. We don't simply repackage and rehash dated third-hand "shortcuts" from other people's books and newsletters. Instead, we're jumping through all the asset-protection and privacy hoops ourselves. Then we describe in detail, from first-hand experience, the ins and outs of what works, and what doesn't. Where do we get our leads? From our readers, mostly.

In our inaugural issue (March), we reported about our first exploratory trip overseas, checking out the purported advantages of the little Central American nation of Belize as an international haven of financial privacy (even as the international drug police are trying to blackmail the smaller Caribbean states out of allowing any banking privacy at all ... with encouragingly mixed results.) In the next few months, I'll be updating our readers on our Belizean bank accounts and international business companies, as we become more familiar with their benefits and drawbacks. Trips to Panama, the British Virgins, and Nevis are planned; we'll also eventually take a long first-hand look at Switzerland and Austria, the Channel Islands and Andorra, the Cook Islands and Nauru.

Our second issue (April) was devoted to what we're learning about the true nature of the tax laws -- where and to whom they do and don't apply. We took an intensive look at income-tax compliance rates and the booming industry in getting folks out from under an American tax tyranny that hasn't been following the law -- not even its own "policies and procedures" -- for decades. I also told the tale of my own 12-year victimization by the IRS (detailing some of my stupid mistakes you now won't have to repeat). We explained how to join the Maryland-based Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, whose members "insure" each other against IRS seizures; how to live without a bank account; and where the folks at the Indianapolis Baptist Church went wrong.

The May issue featured our adventures (and misadventures) with asset-protection seminars we've attended, several put on by lawyers and accountants. The main story, however, covered a seminar put on by a team of friends who've figured out how to set up "trusts in contract form," as developed by the ultra-rich banking families, such as Rockefeller, Kuhn-Loeb, Morgan -- at the same time they were introducing the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve System, and the Internal Revenue Service -- protecting their own fortunes against the ravages of the financial tyranny they were developing for the rest of us.

We also covered banking unincorporated business organizations (trust checking accounts at commercial banks without federal ID numbers), anonymous onshore credit and ATM cards, a receivables and factoring company that sets up anonymous "bank" accounts, and an introduction to the Freedom of Information Act.

I've described the contents of our just-mailed June issue, above.


Upcoming issues will include features on how to live hidden if you so choose, from ghost addresses and nominee signatories to name-changing and entirely new identities. We'll wade into electronic privacy, exploring private e-mail, anonymous Web surfing, PGP and encryption, digital cash, and computer and communication security. (What IS it like to live without a Social Security number, anyway?)

Features will deal with Nevada corporations; ID theft; dual citizenship and second passports ... and a few employee leasing companies that just can't seem to get a straight answer from the IRS as to what statute requires them to withhold "individual income tax" out of the paychecks of citizens of the several states.

We're started to run that series of occasional essays on out-of-the-way, rural ON-shore privacy havens. (The June issue carries our first such report, out of Wyoming, by Claire Wolfe, author of "Don't Shoot the Bastards [Yet.]" Watch of my own report, on Elko County, Nev., coming later this summer.)

Our July issue will include updates on the dangerous expansion of the War on Drugs into what could well become our "South American Vietnam," as well as a Supreme Court decision on medical marijuana that I like to call "The worst piece of homicidal hair-splitting since the Dred Scott decision."

Thought you could no longer buy firearms without creating a paper trail? Gather up your cash and we'll tell you how to take advantage of the so-called "gun show loophole" while there's still time. (Hint: The last time we checked, private sales were still OK at Lou Fascio's big gun show at the Reno Hilton, coming up Aug. 17-19. The big bargains are in used Smith revolvers and Enfield rifles. But don't count on George W. Bush and the gun-grabbing Republicans for help. And we DO all still remember Ludwig von Mises' definition of a "loophole," right?)

Medical privacy and the possible link between pertussis vaccinations and "SIDS" deaths? That's a whole upcoming issue.

Home schooling? Another special issue on our drawing boards, along with one on that wondrous new tool of tax-jurisdiction-busting economic freedom (though it harbors a few of its own hidden dangers) ... Buying and Selling on the Internet.

I'll continue to advise readers to build up a nest-egg of gold and silver bullion ... and how to do so. And of course, we'll be as relentless as Ted Koppel in our deathwatch over the last desperate scrambles of the IRS as their palace of fraud and deceit collapses around them (remember, it's cold comfort to know you've been killed by the last swipe of the dying dinosaur's tail).


Not only that -- and this really excites ME -- special 5,000-word supplements to our newsletter have already offered readers cutting edge reporting from yours truly, award-winning 30-year author and investigative reporter Vin Suprynowicz, on a range of vital subjects which no one else in the "establishment media" seems willing to even touch.

Needless to say, these full reports aren't available anywhere else. Non-subscribers pay us $15 per copy for them ... but only after Privacy Alert subscribers have received them first, and at no extra charge.

In April, I laid bare the the ongoing campaign by the federal government to remove cattle ranchers from the land -- part of an ongoing scheme to reduce human use (and even population) of the Western open spaces by fully one third, while establishing radical "Environmentalism" as a state religion -- enforced with guns and handcuffs -- in a blatant rape of our First Amendment freedom of religion.

In June, I turn my attention to the "gun rights lobbying game," exposing the National Rifle Association as the nation's largest gun control organization. (They've been doing it for more than a century, deviously holding out their begging bowls for gun-owner cash, claiming to oppose the very Second Amendment violations for which they regularly reward their friends the political scoundrels ... endlessly creating new crises, thus giving themselves further excuses to demand more money!) The question was whether the smaller Gun Owners of America will continue to offer a more principled alternative to the NRA ... and I'm afraid the prospect isn't good. (I'm America's leading pro-gun journalist, yet GOA founder Bill Richardson and his son-in-law, Sam Paredes, wouldn't even talk to me.)

In August, watch for my full-fledged report on government childnapping -- an ongoing campaign to eviscerate the American family, creating the presumption that the state really owns our children, leaving them in our charge only until we misbehave, which can include anything from home-schooling to keeping guns in the home to declining to "volunteer" our kids for pertussis vaccinations -- vaccines which are acknowledged by an official federal government report to cause brain damage and even death in a predictable number of infants under two years of age.

Updated from time to time, I like to call this ever-growing and increasingly frightening report: "Hi, we're from the government, and we're here to take your kids."

Why are these reports important? To remind us -- and allow us to convince our loved ones -- that the systematic rape of our rights and freedoms has not slowed, and that taking privacy measures ... getting ourselves "out of the system" as far as we can ... may be the only way left for us to at least hand down our traditions of freedom to the next generation.

Which ties in directly with our continuing updates on the battle to keep our guns and gold out of the hands (and the file drawers) of the government regulators -- the already old-time favorites we like to call our Second Amendment and Bullion Tips of the Month.


Everyone knows financial privacy is a "hot" topic. Airline magazines carry ads for $100 leather-bound books from white-haired experts full of tax "loopholes" and third-hand advice on how to salt away your millions in Austria or Liechtenstein ... rarely mentioning those $100,000 minimum-deposit requirements and $5,000 annual maintenance fees.

Come on -- millionaire corporate toadies already have lawyers and accountants to stay two jumps ahead of this stuff. Heck, their lobbyists WRITE the tax laws. The question is: Where is there a reliable, trained, experienced American newsman with an anti-establishment bent -- someone who resisters and Libertarians and gun nuts and freedom-lovers already know they can trust -- to go check this stuff out first hand, reporting back to the best of his ability on what really works?

I'm Vin Suprynowicz, assistant editorial page editor of the 180,000-circulation daily Las Vegas Review-Journal, as well as America's nationally syndicated Libertarian newspaper columnist for the past nine years and author of the book "Send in the Waco Killers: Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998" ... the 1999 "Freedom Book of the Year."

Winston Churchill said the democratic republic was a miserable form of government -- it just turns out to be way better than any of the others. That's the way I feel about my own efforts. As readers send us feedback, as we answer their questions and check out their suggestions on everything from computer encryption to anonymous passbook savings accounts, this will become a cooperative project, a motley army of resistance fighters swarming the bureaucratic tyranny from all sides like Sherman's columns on their way to the sea ... creating, someday, with any luck, an ongoing movement that won't require me at all.

Till then, "Privacy Alert" is the best we've got.

Yet I'm told 92 percent of the folks on this "Vinsends" e-mail list still haven't subscribed to "Privacy Alert."


(Yes, you're right, it could cost you a five-dollar bill and a stamp)

A subscription is $72 for 12 issues (this is the introductory charter subscription price; it goes up to $96 in December. Really.) If you subscribe now, you not only get the $24 saving, as a bonus you'll also get your choice of my book, "Send in the Waco Killers"; or L. Neil Smith's new 500-page book of essays on gun rights and Libertarian politics, "Lever Action" (I likes it so much I published it; each book is a $22 value); or the March, April, May and June issues of the newsletter (for the complete collection). If you go for a two-year deal, you may choose two of the three! And of course, a subscription comes with a 100 percent money-back guarantee.


Send a check or money order or cash (wrap it up good) to Privacy Alert, 1475 Terminal Way, Suite E, Reno, NV 89502. Or e-mail a credit card number to Or call the Privacy Alert offices with your credit card number at 775-348-8591. That's $72 for one year, $130 for two. (If you wait till next January, a two-year subscription will cost you $175.)

For that matter, if you just want to see a sample issue, send $5 to the above address (make sure to specify which issue you want). The special supplements list at $15 apiece, but I'll also send you one of THOSE for another five bucks; name the one you'd like.

I hope to see you join the growing ranks of folks who are battling to exercise their rights and protect their freedoms. Yes, that now means fighting to preserve our privacy and our wealth. But let's never forget: We don't trade away freedom for wealth, or even for convenience. The reason we protect our wealth -- and our privacy -- is so our families can finally live free.

In Liberty,

-- Vin

Vin Suprynowicz,

"When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right." -- Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926)

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken

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