The largest, fastest-growing economy in the world

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 07 Nov 2011 14:03:05 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Silver - shadow economy, System D, agora, by whatever name, it's over a billion strong, and growing every day.

System D is not small, and it is growing rapidly. Read the FP exceprt, check out the accompanying slideshow, visit his blog, and definitely watch [Robert] Neuwirth’s TED talk.

The numbers are eye-popping. Well over a billion people [in] 2005, perhaps as many as 1.8 billion workers in system D today. These people don’t fill out census forms, exact figures are impossible. But 1.8 billion is roughly [a quarter] of all employed people on the planet. By 2030, the total is expected to rise to 3 billion.

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Comments (1):

It is nice that he, you,

Submitted by anon on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 04:00:11 GMT

It is nice that he, you, and others talk ABOUT system D, what I want to know is methods on how to interact with those kind of people. I have wants, needs, an a bit of cash and would rather trade with them. Ironically I comment with the name "anon" because I don't want the authorities to find/track/arrest me and fully understand that they most likely feel the same way. So how do we find each other?

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