open challenge to all "drunk driving" fetishists

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 12:37:55 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Salty Pig - I concur. If you're not driving badly, the amount of alcohol in your blood or on your breath ain't nobody's business. Even if you are driving badly, the reason for it ain't nobody's business. Yes, arrest bad drivers for driving in a way that endangers others, but no, don't legislate against behavior that causes some people to drive badly. Prior restraint is not allowed on my planet. [saltypig]

here's my challenge, and bring money -- preferably the deed to your house:

i assert that i, at .16% BAC -- double the current "legal limit" (crock of shit illegally imposed on the several states by tyrants) -- can drive safely and precisely. that means no "weaving", no abnormal speed deviation, sufficient obstacle avoidance (including simulated stupid pedestrians), complete and precise use of signals for turns and lane changes, and smooth acceleration and braking. odds are i'll drive better smashed than you can sober.

you believe your erroneous bullshit? fine. put your fucking money behind it, against mine, and we'll set up a test. let's go you rapist pussies. this offer good for the next 30 days, so get on it. we'll videotape the entire test, and publish regardless of result. some of us drive very well when drunk, and we hate you with a passion you'll never understand. why? because you're stupid.

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