On The Recent Glance Directly At Me, From The Death-Star

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 00:13:03 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Billy Beck - Ex-Liar-in-Chief Slick Willy Clinton made a direct reference to Billy Beck's quote on Vanderboegh's blog: "You have always heard it here first: All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war." Mr. Beck responds to the dress stainer with style.

Here is a word for that despicable person: I am "a Southerner", too, you strutting ignoramus. I was born in Little Rock, and my mother graduated Central High School six years before Eisenhower finally saw fit to roll out the National Guard. Don't even try to hand me your threadbare sanctimony about "paying" for the Civil War. For many reasons which I will not attempt to relate to you, I am quite beyond your ex cathedra pose in the matter. You have nothing to say to me. Sit down and shut your insipid mouth.

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