Liberty and Building Permits

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 12:14:03 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Bill Sizemore at News with Views - In Amerika, you don't own property, you rent it from the gummint, in property taxes, and you've got to ask your house's gummint owners for permission to change it.

If the city or county is not liable for the construction work they approved, who needs their advice or permission? If they accept no liability, what are you getting for your money? You pay them to delay your project, increase your cost, and boss you around on your own property.

Most of all, what you get is a loss of freedom. Imagine what it would be like if you could wake up one bright, sunny morning and say, "Martha, I am going to tear down that sagging front porch today and build a brand new one," and then change into your grubby clothes, pick up a crowbar and hammer, and start to work. But, no sir. You can't do that; not in America. Here in this "land of the free," you have to draw up a plan, take it down to the city or county, draw a number and wait for who knows how long for someone to "serve" you.

Then, when your turn comes, you pay a fee, wait some more for some bureaucrat to review your plan and approve it after you have made all of the changes they have demanded. Then, when they say so, you can go to work.

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