Atlas Shrugged: Part One

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 15 May 2011 23:38:47 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at the Libertarian Enterprise - Neil loved the movie version of the first third of Ayn Rand's tome. I missed it, being too busy working for the two weeks it lasted in a theater an hour from my home. I'll have to settle for the DVD version, whenever it reaches Netflix.

I finally saw Atlas Shrugged a few days ago, amidst a storm of wildly varying opinions. Unanimously, as near as I can tell, it is the worst movie in history, according to bedwetting liberal critics. The same scum to whom, you may recall, Red Dawn, which made their sweet commie darlings look bad, was "the most violent movie ever made". The collectivist parasites are as terrified by Rand's ideas as they would be if she were still alive, proclaiming them in her thick Russian accent.

Everything they live for, all they hope for and desire, depends on an ability to convince a majority of the individuals around them that, for their small, shabby lives to have any meaning, they must be lived for the sake of others—invariably, the very parasites doing the preaching or the left wing institutions that feed, house, and clothe them.

In 1957, Rand threw the bullshit flag on that dirty little game—loudly proclaiming that each individual's life is an end in itself, to be lived simply for its own sake—and they have never gotten over it. They would do anything—absolutely anything—to eradicate the woman from this civilization's memory. They hate, loathe, and despise her for having snatched away so many of their potential victims, even more than they hate, loathe, and despise lesser lights they've worked their dirty tricks on, like Barry Goldwater, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh.

And, most notably, Ron Paul.

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