Thermal Depolymerization: Get Gummint Out of the Way

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 28 Aug 2005 12:00:00 GMT
# L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - The High Price of Gas - some ideas for lowering the price of gas. Get government out of the way: eliminate all taxes on the sale and production of necessities, open all federal lands to exploration and exploitation, prevent government and corporations from discouraging research and development of thermal polymerization. [tle]
Probably the most important thing to understand about current events is that this is not--and never was--a war about oil itself, but a war about oil from particular sources, the sources controlled by the Bush family's cronies. And their excuses grow more threadbare every day. There is now a considerable body of evidence--shared with us generously by George Crispin (give him a Google)--that reserves that were once thought depleted are filling up again from underneath, as new oil is produced, not by any biological process, but by the basic pre-biological processes that eventually gave rise to life on Earth.

Just what Fred Hoyle predicted decades ago--so much for "peak oil".

# L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Story of the Year - more on thermal deploymerization. [tle]

The trouble, of course, from the viewpoint of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the petrogangsters in this administration, is that they don't own and can't control the revolution represented by the process of thermal depolymerization. So they'd rather go on getting oil the other way, no matter what it costs, because it isn't costing them anything.

# L. Reichard White at - Was Jane Right? - about Viet Nam. Of course she was. As with every war since at least World War II, America had no business there. Long article with a number of short videos (Windows Media). How America was lied into Viet Nam and Iraq. [smith2004]

# Barry Zwicker at Simmering Frogs - History Is Hidden - my title. 36 meg Quicktime video. The creator of the movie The Great Deception talks about "false flag operations, state-sponsored or rogue network toxic deceptions in which an actual attack on one's own country is engineered for the purpose of mobilizing public opinion, usually behind the war agenda of the invisible government and the ruling deceivers." [smith2004]

# Ted Balaker at Reason - Buckle Boondoggle: "Click It Or Ticket" wastes time, diverts resources, helps nobody - seatbelt laws do nothing but increase the state's revenue stream. Maybe that's why they like them so much. [root]

# JonBot007 at Alpha Rubicon - The SKS Rifle: Tales from beyond the gun show !!!* - why you should acquire an SKS and why you should eschew customization. I don't have one of these, yet. If I get one, I'll want one customization, a receiver-mounted aperture sight to give it a longer sight radius. [root]

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