Happy June, 2003

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 01 Jun 2003 12:00:00 GMT
From kaba:
"The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections." -- Lord Acton

Russmo at The Libertarian Enterprise - Tax Cut? - cartoon commentary on Bushnev's tax cut. Hehe. [tle]

Pepe Escobar at Asia Times - The masters of the universe - The Bilderberg club met in Versailles on May 15-18. A report. [grabbe]

An influential Jewish European banker reveals that the ruling elite in Europe is now telling their minions that the West is on the brink of total financial meltdown; so the only way to save their precious investments is to bet on the new global crisis centered around the Middle East, which replaced the crisis evolving around the Cold War.

Ananova - Motorists' group 'dedicated to smashing speed cameras' - Motorists Against Detection (MAD) has destroyed 600 cameras on Great Britains' roads over the last couple of years.

Claire Wolfe - "FSP Grand Western Conference, Part II" - the second installment in Claire's report on the Free State Project's recent gathering in Montana. The quotes below were from version 1 of this article. Claire had to rewrite it when her web hosting service lost the first version. [claire]

If I had to sum up, in one word, what I carried home from last weekend's Grand Western Conference of the Free State Project, optimism would be it.

If you know me, you know how big a deal that statement is. I'm a born pessimist and a made cynic. My viewpoint on life (especially on the future of freedom) resembles that of someone pluckily determined to make the best of terminal cancer. I simply don't do optimism. So when I say I really think the Free Staters have a chance of pulling off their enormous cat-herding project -- and that once they pull it off it could even turn out to be worth having done -- it's something.


In fact, attendees came from as far away as Massachusetts, Texas, Missouri, Illinois, western Washington state, and California. And one reason Montana leaped to prominence was an enthusiastic contingent that traveled down from Alberta. These folks included some of Canada's bold unregistered firearms rebels, including Jim Turnbull. They were also some of the nicest people among the many warm, enthusiastic people at the conference. (Everyone kept remarking, "Aren't the Alberta people wonderful?"And I had some of my happiest conversations with the Albertans, including Jodi and John, whose last names I didn't get.) An international border or seaport is an important factor in a lot of Free Staters' considerations. But the presence of this strong contingent really brought home the possibility (discussed for years) of an alliance between western U.S. states and increasingly rebellious western Canadian provinces. Suddenly that long northern border between Montana and Canada got to looking more and more interesting. (Conference organizer Ben Irvin points out that Montana is the only U.S. state that borders three Canadian provinces -- and those three are all western rebels.)

Bill Savitsky Jr. at The Patriot-News - Explosives law has angry miners facing DARK DAYS - Pennsylvania coal miners are just discovering the explosives permit section of the Homeland Security Act. And they are not happy. [smith2004]

J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times - Homeland Insecurity: Going Toe to Toe With The TSA - Mr. Johnson reams out a new asshole for a Taking Scissors Away spokesman. [sierra]

Despite your white-shirted public servants finding 5.8 million 'prohibited' items, including 1,231 guns, 1.7 million knives, and 43,390 box cutters, there are only two words that keep America's Airline industry in business:

"Let's Roll".

These are the words each American remembers when boarding a commercial aircraft. Let me remind you that, since the aerial dog fight of September 11, 2001, the American flying public has thwarted further attempts at turning an uneventful flight into the next 'Air Jihad". Not only two aircraft (UAL Flight 93 and the infamous shoe bomber flight), but at least 3 commercial buses were saved from disaster by the passengers. This is why we doubt if what happened on that fateful day will ever happen again. We are mentally prepared. Excuse my non-political correctness, but if someone even looking like an Arab (or as we learned from our friends in Israel - people dressed like Hasidic Jews while reading the Koran) gets out of his seat during a flight, contingency plans are immediately put into operation by the remaining passengers and crew - without even talking about it.

As a reward for the brave actions of our fellow Americans, we - the last line of defense - are now subject to being groped, fondled, molested, striped, violated, randomly searched, harassed, detained, arrested for talking, and overall humiliated before we board a commercial aircraft. And what's best: we get to pay for it all via that September 11, security fee. This, while any Johnny Jihad simply needs to take a course in marital arts along with his next flying lessons to bypass all your new security.

"Hi. we're the TSA. Please leave your dignity at the ticket counter."

Diane Stingley at The Charlotte Observer - Bill of Rights `unconstitutional': Court squelches the founding fathers' open invitation to anarchy - satire. [kaba]

In a 9-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled today in the case of United States of America vs. the Dixie Chicks that the Bill of Rights is unconstitutional. Writing for the majority, Justice Rehnquist made it clear that the court wasn't completely opposed to freedom of speech, religion, assembly, etc., but that the Bill of Rights as written was simply too vague and could, therefore, be used in the wrong way by people opposed to our democratic way of life.

"We have to always keep in mind," the decision goes on to say, "there was no al-Qaida in 1776. King George was no Saddam Hussein. We have bigger fish to fry than the founding fathers could have ever imagined. If people can assemble whenever they want, and say whatever they want, and then the press is free to report whatever those people said when they assembled, without any guidelines or restrictions, that's just an open invitation to anarchy and terrorism."

William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - This Is Not Your Father's Government - Mr. Stone comments on how the U.S. government has changed in the last 50 years. It used to be filled with basically good people who were inept at acheiving their goals. Now it is filled with evil tyrants. [tle]

The real goal of attempts to fight the nonexistent domestic terrorists is political. Politicians understand that in real life, the United States has no domestic terrorism. The destruction of the WTC towers represented a simple exploitation of the fact that the FedGov has transformed Americans into a nation of cattle ready for the slaughter. They can't possibly do the one thing that would actually make the country safe, (e.g. enforcement of the Second Amendment) because that would ultimately harm their goal of total domination of every individual.

Ryann Connell at Mainich Daily News - A tit a day keeps the pain away - claims that lactoferrin, a component of human breast milk, is a non-addictive pain-killer that works better than morphine. Who'd have guessed? [grabbe]

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