Liberty Book Shop

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 22 May 2003 12:00:00 GMT
Tom Toles - End of the Assault Rifle Ban - Cartoon commentary on the exemplary position of Tom Ridge on the sunsetting next year of the Clinton-era "assault weapons" ban, except Mr. Toles doesn't consider Mr. Ridge's position to be exemplary. I don't consider Mr. Ridge to be expemplary at much, either, but if he favors letting the homeland security weapons ban sunset, then I agree with him on that issue.

Liberty Book Shop is a new place to buy hard-to-find freedom-oriented books. Run by the folks who bring you Vin Suprynowicz' Privacy Alert. Check it out. I ordered Let Us Prey, Never Be Sick Again, and A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, and was tempted by a few others.

Alan R. Weiss - I am a Nigger - An Assay of Truth - I got permission to publish Mr. Weiss' essay here, so if you didn't read it yesterday because you didn't want to take the time, or give away the information, to register at Yahoo, you can now read it with a single click. Go ahead. Click.

John Ross - Abortion, Mole Removal, Helmet Laws, and Waiting Periods, or Doesn't Anyone Have Principles Anymore? - Mr. Ross relates a discussion he had in 1998 with members of NARAL (the National Abortion Rights Action League). They wanted the government to keep its laws off of their bodies, but had neglected to think through that principle. Hehe.

By this point, I realized our conversation was not typical for a candidate looking to receive an endorsement from a special interest group. I was sure they preferred me over my opponent, however, as he wanted to make abortion a federal crime (more about that in next week's column.) Given that fact, I continued to talk about their philosophy. I asked if they opposed waiting periods for abortions. They did. A right delayed is a right denied, they reminded me. "So, have you talked to the gun rights groups, who also oppose arbitrary waiting periods for the same reasons you do, about joining forces?" They hadn't done that, either. "Well, how about the cancer patients who want to use medicinal marijuana? That's a 'Keep your laws off my body' issue. Have you talked to those people?" Again the answer was no.

Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - May 2003, Sumer Is Icumen In - The annual NRA meeting: "THE ARMED CITIZEN IS IN ITSELF THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL SECURITY"; Mesopotamian Misfit may still be alive; kudos to Taurus for their new revolvers; poodle shooter considered effective on ragheads; Herman Hanneken's success with a 1911 (in 1919); miserable gunhandling in Iraq; "the A10 Warthog turned in a very fine performance in Mesopotamia"; kudos for Rumsfeld's conduct; 376 Steyr effective on Bison; Why I Am Not a Muslim; cartridges uniformly good, rifles and handguns not necessarily so: M92 < 1911; Bush'es carrier landing; don't sneer at the French because of Chirac, and, especially, don't waste good wine; long-winded commentary on the "Dragoon", the up-power version of the Scout; a "four Scout family"; Hefner's contract with Private Jessie; the abundance of ammunition in Mr. Cooper's wars; "We insist again that when you go to Africa you need not take two rifles, but you should take two telescopes!"; "this celebrity thing has become just silly"; revisiting the murder of Vince Foster; The Age of Litigation; dismay at the general level of journalism; the special usefulness of the combat shotgun; Grandson Tyler crossed the Tigris; a pistol's place in war; dogfights no longer much of a threat to our aircraft; troubles getting C Stories published.

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