I Can't Believe I Read the Whole Thing

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:00:00 GMT
Did I like Dragon's Fury - Trodden Under by Jeff Head? I guess so. I read the whole thing, all 444 pages of it, over the weekend. I don't do that with books I don't like. Get yours today. Jeff expects the dead-tree version to be available soon. Looking forward to volume III, High Tide.

Remember to tune in tomorrow night (July 30) at 10pm for John Stossel's piece on the war on some drugs on ABC News 20/20.

Dragomire at Kuro5hin - The "Truth" About Second Hand Smoke: Which"Truths" Are More Truthful? - The 1993 EPA study, claiming that so-called second-hand smoke is harmful, was seriously flawed. But you knew that. [kuro5hin]

Library of Congress - In the Matter of Representative James A. Traficant, Jr - the official transcript of Mr. Traficant's expulsion hearing. Scroll down to number 39, and click on the link.

Matt Berger at InfoWorld - O'Reilly: DMCA demonstration goes out with a whimper - Bruce Perens got cold feet. Oh well. Hard to blame him, really. Going to prison is no fun. [wes]

Harry Browne at World Net Daily - Government Knows Best, Doesn't It? - nope. Gummint don' know nuthin'. Stop supporting it.

It will be a tough road getting back to a free society. But you can help if you realize that _no_ new government program -- not school vouchers, not corporate regulation, not medical savings accounts, not anything -- will make things better for you. It will be used by politicians and bureaucrats to make things better for themselves.

You can't solve the dilemma of big government by yourself. But at least you can make sure you're not part of the problem -- by not supporting _any_ new government program, and by refusing to support politicians who claim they can use government to make things better.

Charlie Brennan at The Rocky Mountain News - Libertarian candidate Stanley sentenced - Rick Stanley, the Libertarian candidate for the U.S. senate in Colorado who stood in protest on the steps of the Capitol building in Denver with a handgun in a holster, was sentenced to 180 days. All but 30 days were suspended, and can be served in home detention. The entire sentence is stayed during his appeal. And the judge, who pissed on the constitution during the trial, had the gall to comment on Mr. Stanley's lack of remorse. [smith2004]

Thursday's court appearance started with Stanley's lawyer, Paul Grant, withdrawing from the case at Stanley's request.

Then, asked if he had any remarks to offer prior to sentencing, Stanley, 47, read from a statement that challenged the court's jurisdiction and the legality of the proceedings against him.

"This court will not allow the Constitution, the supreme law of the land, to guide its hand," Stanley said.

Patterson was not impressed, and noted in handing down the jail sentence Stanley's apparent lack of remorse.


Several Libertarian supporters attended Stanley's sentencing, including the party's candidate for governor, Ralph Shnelvar.

"Good luck," Shnelvar said before court convened.

"I don't need luck," Stanley answered. "I need a justice system that's honorable. We don't have that."

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