
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 28 May 2001 12:20:42 GMT
Email to bill@billstclair.com works again. I'm getting some of the mail sent during the outage, but some of it likely got dropped on the floor.

My wife brought home a puppy today against my strongly expressed objections. It's a miniature snauser (sp?). Seems quiet enough. Probably won't bother me much. Still, I feel like the dog was chosen over me. I don't much feel like being here tonite. I'll treat it like any dis-ease. If it doesn't change in three days, I'll have to do something about it. Maybe move out. Not much holding me here any more.

Thomas Dorman, MD - Vaccination: an interesting perspective. My conclusion from reading it is that nearly all modern vaccines have serious problems except the tetanus vaccine. Pretty much the opinion I got from my former homeopathic physician (former only because he moved to Colorado, and I haven't yet). [lew]

There's a new issue of The Libertarian Enterprise:

  • Will You Bend the Knee? by Victor Milan - Why GW will be as bad a gun-grabber as algore would have been had he become the newly elected puppet-in-chief. Maybe worse.
    That's the point of the Second Amendment, folks. It's also why it is so symbolically important to the world's ruling classes to disarm Americans. We aren't the only truculently armed populace in the world--the Pushtuns are really awful people, by and large, but if you try to take their guns, they'll not only pry yours from your cold dead fingers but leave your skin drying on a rock--and good on them. We are the only group to have the principle of armed resistance to tyranny, particularly that of our own government, explicitly written into the documents founding that government (another scam, by the way, but later). For the ruling classes to impose permanent and unbreakable servitude upon all the peoples of the Earth, we have to be disarmed. It really is that way, and it really is that simple.
  • Nubbin Dump Has a Plan! by Michael Bates - Nubbin Dump showed up at the Last Ditch Saloon with a plan for cleanin' up Washington after Billy Jeff leaves and the White House has been fumigated. What's he planning to do?
    "I'm plannin' on un-doin'," says Big Dog. "Un-doin' the last eight years of socialist-communist-left-wing-politically-correct horse manure that's been dumped on America by the treasonous low life who called himself president and the brain-dead sheeple who supported him on everything from rape to genocide. These here are some of my Un-Clinton plans:"
  • A New Strategy by William Stone, III - Mr. Stone suggests that the Libertarian Party spend its money on electing him for congress from South Dakota and spend just a few dollars promoting "None of the Above" for president. Seems to me like a more likely winning strategy than what they've been doing for the last umpteen years. Mr. Stone's web site, www.wrstone.com is worth a look.

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