
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 31 May 2000 12:00:00 GMT
Vin Suprynowicz at Sierra Times - [Real] Questions for Politicians: Vin's submissions for a list of questions to be asked of political candidates by the newspaper he works for. [sierra]
... if you get a chance to chat with one of your local politicians at a picnic in your hometown this summer, don't fall into the old trap of asking "What are you going to do to get more funding for (insert your favorite government program here)?"

Instead, try one or two of the questions above. If you still believe this is the "land of the free," the answers you hear -- or the look of horror that flashes briefly across that face before he or she spots someone across the way he just has to go see -- may shock you.

A nice picture found by brianf (30k): What matters most is how you see yourself.

Free Republic - Gun Laws Are for Everyone But Me: Dianne Feinstein, one of the most rabid of the victim disarmament crowd, swept the crowd with her finger on the trigger of an AK-47. Any properly trained 12 year old knows that you treat every gun as if it were loaded. You don't point it at anyone you don't intend to kill. Though she says the rest of us shouldn't be allowed to own guns, Ms. Feinstein holds a rare California concealed weapons permit and carries a .38 Smith & Wesson in her purse. [market]

Wendy McElroy from the American Partisan - Must I Use a Gun to be Moral? Ms. McElroy believes in the right to own guns for self-defense, but doesn't want to personally use a handgun. I salute her. [mind]

Sleepless at Sierra Times - Breaking Point: A report from Yugoslovia about Milosevic's fascist responses to the popular desire to oust him. [sierra]

Joe Farah at WorldNetDaily - Clinton's revenge on enemies: Bill Clinton has gotten back at another of his enemies. It wasn't enough to rape Juanita Broaddrick, now he's had the IRS audit her. [wnd]

John Borland at CNET News - Napster-like technology takes Web search to new level: The creators of Gnutella are using their technology to create a new search engine. InfraSearch is a demo site. [/.]

Morphon XML Editor 1.0 Beta 6 released. I reported on this earlier. It looks like a nice editor, though I'm not currently using it for anything. Written in Java. [meat]

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