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Charlie  Soong




Honorable Madam Chair, Judiciary Committee, Montana House of  Representatives:

Some history has not been told to the American people in a long time. The untold American history is not only captivating but is also beneficial in an enhanced understanding of today’s political environment. As “policy” and “diplomacy” emanate today from centralized seats of power in Washington DC – and from Wall Street and Langley and The City of London financial district in England - to shape circumstances which concern now every citizen of Montana, the history of "policy" and "diplomacy" has been obscured. My search to understand today's world has led me to yesterday's world. In our past may be found the templates used by men who have deliberately forged the patterns of our present time, and, if we are not careful, our future as well.

The British East India Company

Perhaps we shall begin by looking very briefly at the 18th and 19th centuries. Because a vital part of the assault on America is centered in the so-called "War on Drugs", we must know a bit about British and American governmental and corporate involvement in international drug smuggling. I must establish precedent in the history of England and America for state-sponsored drug smuggling. Given a precedent, anything can happen again.

 That poses a serious question, and in answering that question we come realize a bit of forbidden knowledge. There exists a wealth of information which reveals a pattern of coincidence involving the Central Intelligence Agency and the international drug trade. If I can establish precedent for state-sponsored drug smuggling in our history, and connect a few random dots of association as a template, and establish a pattern, then the evidence which presently exists in the public domain is rendered much more likely to be accurate and truthful, distasteful as it is.

In the late 1700s England was involved in trade with China through the British East India Company. Well before the 1800s arrived, the British had noticed that the Chinese were not buying British trade as rapidly as England was buying Chinese trade, which consisted primarily of silk and tea. British silver was draining from England to China for tea and silk, and not being compensated by a similar return flow of silver for British goods. The  Brits had to pay for the tea and silk with silver from the treasury of the British Empire, the Throne's purse, which itself was levered by the privately-held, centralized, fractional-reserve-practicing Bank of England, the Baring Bank, and others.

But China was not  interested in buying British products. The Chinese people lived  in an entirely unrelated reality, in a different and foreign vision of life, and they simply had very little need for British trade aside from receiving British silver as payment for things which the Chinese obtained freely through common Chinese habit and culture. The Chinese were collecting up British silver in trade for things China felt were abundant and inexpensive. We may note now that, perhaps, had the Chinese needed or wanted a proportionate and compensatory exchange of British-made goods, there would never have been what history has named: “The Opium Wars” of the early-mid 1800s. 

British bankers figured upon a way to even the cash-flow between the two nations. Their plan was put into action by the Throne. That plan was to sell opium from Eurasia, notably India and Turkey, to the Chinese population, through two ports on China’s coast line; Canton and Shanghai. It would be primarily a shipping business with an accountability and an economy engineered into its infrastructure. The Throne's and the East India Company's shipmen were employed and dispatched. The buyers and sellers, the distributors and managers, every post needed by an entire mechanism of shipping and distribution was created and backed by the Throne-friendly banks, and the opium-smuggling adventure of the 1700s and early-to-mid 1800s was on.

This era also included certain unscrupulous shipping enterprises involved in the British slave trade, which we’ll notice later as it plays into American history in surprising ways. But for the present focus, we’ll look primarily here at the British opium trade which was to alter China’s course in 20th Century history and produce today’s political football situation called: “Taiwan”.   

After many years of absorbing British-imported opium into China’s society the opium disaster had spread in the late 1700s inland up the Yangtze River for a thousand miles. The Chinese finally took notice, and in 1800 China demanded of the British Throne that all British Captains of ships must sign a bond against smuggling opium into China. International tension built somewhat over this. The Chinese felt they had a sovereign authority, a formal and legal access in the world’s community of nations and international law, and China chose to govern what did and did not plague its people. China told England to stop bringing that stuff in. That order, had the British Throne accepted it or agreed to it, would have meant the certain return of the one-sided silver-outflow problem which the British opium-shipping plan had been created to solve. Britain declined China's order, rejecting the  request rudely. But quite often a problem appears to come with its own intrinsic solution.  
The Throne’s bankers had a new counter-idea for this Chinese 'celestial arrogance’. The Tory families in New England, "British loyalists" who had worked for the King against George Washington’s untidy little revolution, in the early 1800s would be contracted to carry a load which would pay their family shipping businesses handsomely for the trouble.  Thus British banking turned to a number of New England Tory Houses which were involved in the shipping business, in what was effectively a leasing instrument wherein these early-1800s former British Colonists could enjoy a profitable contract with the Throne. The more successful New England Houses boasted fine fleets of Clipper ships, and those ships, bearing the American flag, were not suspected by the Chinese.

Through that channel of ideation came the reality of the infamous New England opium syndicates of Massachusetts and Connecticut which furthered the development of the Ivy League system of colleges and universities. 

Tory opium-smuggling New England families contributed grandly to the campuses which comprised the Ivy League - Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, and etc - for the British interests. It was the “Tory” thing to do, a political extension of an economic interest centering around established 
British-Colonialist business arrangements which had existed long before the Revolution, and which somehow survived long after the Revolution, as we shall see. Today it is known as the "Anglo-American Establishment", or the "Eastern Establishment". 
But let us pause aside for a moment at this point, and consider the fact that many of the Tories had opposed the American Revolution and that they had fought and  worked diligently against it. This they did because, in part, they feared losing profitable business with the Throne, a comfort which their families had long enjoyed as early Colonists. These Tory ”Houses” took it somewhat hard when George Washington’s rag-tag army finally, with the help of the French Navy, drew its outcome and gave birth to this nation.

The Tory loyalists had then vowed to quietly, if bitterly, continue the struggle for British supremacy on this continent by going into this new nation’s seats of governance (the brand new U.S. Federal government), industry and finance (the coming phenomenon called Wall Street), and educational institutions (initially the Ivy League, then others such as the University of Chicago), whereby, they announced, they would reclaim for the Throne those properties and investments which George Washington’s Revolution had ripped in violence from the very Throne itself. As we shall see, the Tory pronouncement upon Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural address declared the speech to be “Radical usurpation”.  2 
While all this was going on in the first two or three decades into the 1800s,  the Brits gave the Yanks a tempting way in which to use their proud new fleets of ocean-conquering Clipper Ships.  The Clipper Ships of the Boston-based “Russell and Company”, the great opium smuggling House in New England which later bought out its competition in Connecticut and Massachusetts,  became lucrative assets for the family’s shipping business, and, as opium smugglers, their activities under British orders helped to bring on the Opium Wars of the early-to-mid 1800s. The Russell and Company’s ships flew the black and white flag of the Skull and Bones, the Company’s logo.  
The Russell family became thereby a benefactor for Yale University, and W. H. Russell founded the Russell Trust at Yale in 1832. The Russell Trust established the secret order of Skull and Bones, who’s initiates, fifteen of them each graduation year, must take oaths of fealty to European powers and to European secret societies. The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale was established in part by profits made in the opium trade for English banking. This was an outcome of the Tory resistance to the American Revolution, realized by the exercise of international banking. 

At the head of that silver-saving English banking and international opium-running stood the Bank of England and the Baring bank, financiers of Britain's far-flung, trans-oceanic empire. Finance walked closely with Royalty, who would tax British citizens to pay the interest on the Throne's debt to Finance. Though subtle and protected from public view in general, that debt for which the public was taxed was rooted in royal circles which spiraled inwardly from the global sub-centers of Empire into every aspect of British life. It was the money power behind the Throne and it was all which that power symbolized to English people.  It was tea and silk for the British society. The joker in the deck was the plot to assist an opium flow into Canton and Shanghai and the reclaiming of British silver in return, despite the fact that China had demanded England not do such things.   

The Opium Wars, by the way, were won by the British Empire, which gained even more ports-of-entry on China's coast with concessions.



The Pratt House, New York City, 1944; Home of the Council on Foreign Relations

Photo taken from the CFR's online history by Peter Grose, available at http:www.cfr.org



Charlie Soong 

A young teenage Chinese boy named Charlie Soong would be born near Shanghai not long after the Opium Wars, and his fortune in life would include being educated in the United States of America. He would return to China and become wealthy printing and selling Bibles in the Chinese language.

Charlie Soong came to the United States from Shanghai, China, in 1878, a boy of thirteen. In 1879 he fled his home in Boston, the home of the uncle who had brought him over from China. In running away, Charlie Soong was taken aboard the U.S. Treasury ship “Albert Gallatin”, and he became “a paid crew member in the Revenue Service of the U.S. Treasury Department”. He served under Captain  Eric Gabrielson who in a round-about way got Charlie Soong into the house of one Julian Carr in North Carolina under arrangements with the Methodist Mission.  
Julian Carr was one of the founders of Duke University, and he was the successful owner of the Raliegh-based “Bull Durham” tobacco dynasty. Julian Carr was helpful with the Methodist Mission, and both he and the Methodist Mission worked to get Charlie Soong educated. Charlie Soong was converted to the Methodist religion as a baptized conscientious man of Jesus while earning his degree from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. At that time he dreamed of going back to his native China and opening a printing house for producing Chinese translations of the Holy Bible.   
Julian Carr and the Methodist Mission felt that Charlie's idea was the most delightful testament of the power of Jesus for which they could have hoped after the years of education they had put into Charlie Soong. It was settled and the financing was arranged and Charlie Soong went back to China with a pocket full of Methodist Mission and Durham Tobacco Company money, where he opened the first Chinese language Bible-printing operation.

Life was good for all concerned. Charlie Soong peddled Bibles into central China from the Shanghai coastal point just seventeen miles from the Yangtze River’s estuary.  His distribution system echoed the earlier British distribution system established to spread opium into China. He became very wealthy, married, had six children, left the Methodist Church, and was on his way to shaping 20th Century Chinese, Asian, and, generally, World history. Charlie Soong would affect our American history in a most significant way, as we shall see. And all along the way to establishing his family's mark upon the stage of world history, Charlie Soong and his children would be intimately involved with the opium business which official British “foreign policy” had established in China - with the help of New England Tory “Houses”.

According to Sterling Seagrave 1,   
”Few families since the Borgias have played such a disturbing role in human destiny. For nearly a century they [the Soongs]  were key players in events that shaped the history of Asia and the world. Members of the Soong clan became household names - Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Madame Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo Chiang, Madame Sun. Others served as China’s prime ministers, foreign ministers, finance ministers. They amassed some of the greatest fortunes of the age; T.V. Soong may have been the richest man on earth.” (EA note: that would be in the early 1930s, and it is doubtful that any Soong could match the wealth of the House of Rothschild in Europe, so I might question that statement.)  
”The Soong Sisters – Ai-ling, Ching-ling, and May-ling - provoked a now-famous Chinese saying: ‘Once upon a time there were three sisters: One loved money, one loved power, one loved China.’”


Of Charlie Soong’s three daughters Ching-ling Soong married General Sun Yat-sen.  May-ling Soong married Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Madam Chiang Kai-shek (May-Ling Soong) is photographed with Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt during the period in which she swept American high society and bilked the U.S. Government of a few million 1940s dollars in support of her husband, the Generalissimo. Ai-Ling Soong would become a noteworthy fixture among the era's Hollywood society here in the USA.  She was photographed with various Hollywood movie actresses such as Marlene Dietrich and Mary Pickford.
The Generalissimo, having married one of Charlie Soong’s daughters, found himself happily tied in marriage to the House of Soong, which owed its start up the ladder of wealth to Durham Tobacco Company and the Methodist Mission. Chiang Kai-shek introduced that former Methodist House to the Chinese Green Gang, part of which was the Chinese opium syndicate which had been consolidated decades previously by British opium importation. This could be seen as an unintended consequence in the plans of the white elite of London. England herself had created the opium market in China, supplied it and distributed it, only to find decades later that the opium-smuggling operations had grown to political power. A government military was useful in enforcing and securing the opium trade lanes throughout much of inland China. And a generous support with finances from the smuggling operations could further fund Chiang's military. This is a somber and sordid side of Chiang Kai-shek which has been largely erased from today's history books.

Charlie Soong became Chiang Kai-shek’s father-in-law and financial backer, which had made of him an ex-Methodist multi-millionaire before the turn of the 20th Century.

Problem: The Green Gang ruled large areas of China, and Chiang Kai-shek’s right-hand man was the national leader of the Green Gang.  Chiang used the government to protect and nurture the Green Gang’s opium industry, which in turn supported the financing of Chiang’s army. It is impossible to separate Chiang's military control over vast regions of China from his dependence upon the opium black market and the House of Soong. 

Through the endeavors of Henry Luce, President Roosevelt and the American public were given a white-washed version of Chiang’s connections with the Chinese opium industry. Federal tax dollars went into China during World War II because of a Luce media-generated illusion about Chiang Kai-shek’s political and moral positions in China. For that we may largely thank Henry Luce and Time Publications, a media empire which as we shall see is and has been a tool of the House of J.P. Morgan and the Council on Foreign Relations and their Eastern Establishment banking friends - the Anglo-American conspiracy handed down through Sir Cecil Rhodes' Round Table Groups.

Of Charlie Soong's three sons, T. L. Soong would become a financier in New York City. T. A. Soong would become a financier in San Francisco. And T. V. Soong would become Finance Minister of, and Prime Minister of, China.

To illustrate by just one example the impact which Charlie Soong and his six children would have upon 20th Century international “policy” as it issued from many nations, let us look at a part of a letter written much later by one of Charlie Soong’s three sons to President  Franklin D. Roosevelt. The son who addressed President Roosevelt was named T. V. Soong, and at the time he wrote this note to President Roosevelt he was Finance Minister of China. He had sent as a gift to President Roosevelt a scale model of a Hainan Junk (a type of  Chinese ship). The following passage is excerpted from the letter which  accompanied the gift to President Roosevelt:  

   “Knowing your interest in sailing vessels, I am taking the  liberty of sending you through our Minister at Washington an accurate model of a Hainan sea-going junk, which has been  carefully made according to scale under the supervision of our Customs. Hainan is an island off the coast of Kwang-tung where my family resided for generations and its hardy people have  been known to trade regularly in these small vessels as far as  India.”   T.V. Soong to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.    Quote taken from page 18, “The Soong Dynasty”, authored by  Sterling Seagrave.  1


The Soong dynasty would re-shape the destiny of China, altering China's fate after thousands of years of age-old traditional ancestor-based and family-based continuity. And all of that upheaval and dramatic change would emanate from a teenage Chinese immigrant who made his way to Boston in 1878, where he would live for a year before embarking upon a fateful voyage which would seal his personal fate. His story has not been told in America for decades, and today's generation of Americans have scarcely heard of Charlie Soong, but during the 1930s and 1940s most Americans were keenly aware of the Soong family. This was due in large part to the journalistic endeavors of Time Publications under the guidance of Henry Luce. Time Publications promoted Chiang Kai-shek through the American press, and Madam Chiang Kai-shek was billed, in America and in England, as the darling of the Chinese people of the early 20th Century.

Henry Luce, himself born in China as the son of missionaries, would spend his first five years on earth in China before being brought to the United States to grow up and become the founder of Time Publications. Henry Luce's earliest memories would be those of a white boy in “celestial” China, and throughout the remainder of his life his views about China would reflect that boyish vision. It is said today that his perspective on Chiang Kai-shek's China were influenced irreparably by his boyhood years in China. Such a seemingly benign oddity of history would grow to influence finally the decisions of President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, as we shall see.

The story is fascinating, and it is masterfully told and judiciously documented and footnoted in Sterling Seagrave’s superb book, “The Soong Dynasty1, from which I’ve borrowed heavily.  Another very knowledgeable source is the self-styled historian, Lyndon LaRouche, the self-made target of the CFR's agenda of globalism. LaRouche has documented well the restricted history of the English/New England Tory opium smuggling families of yore.

In my next letter I’ll share with you a look into the New England Tory families who were involved in British smuggling operations into China, for it is from within a rather small listing of family names of those times that we find something very subtle, but gravely important. But in closing this letter, I’d 
like to note that to the bankers of England who financed the opium smuggling by American Tory families, the concerns which you and I would naturally hold regarding the end result of importing opium into a nation, that is - the cultural and social and familial and economic damages which flared in the wake of large quantities of opium - were of no weight whatsoever. It was simply business as usual, in the sense carried by Mark Twain in his diatribe entitled To The Person Sitting In Darkness 5, "The Blessings of Civilization Trust".

This is characteristic of the Houses which today own the bulk of the national debts of the membership roster of nation-states at the United Nations. Those Houses are as indifferent to human plight as it rocks in their wake today as they were in the early 1800s. Why should a Rothschild or a Schiff or a Warburg care about some worthless Chinese peasant whose weariness in life plunged him into addiction to a drug which those bankers forced upon the peasant's nation? Why should the Russell Company of Boston care if tens of thousands of Chinese opium addicts had dropped out of their communities’ traditional life in response to addiction? Why should the Bank of England in London, proceeding upon financial principle and pragmatic "reality", care? It was a matter of money out, money in. The Throne demanded it in England, and business demanded it in New England.  It was at the heart of ”Policy”.  As an indication of this, we have the following statement:

“The Governor-General of the East India Company stated in 1817 - 'Were it possible to prevent the use of the drug altogether, except for medicine, we would gladly do it, in compassion for mankind.' 4


   All of these seemingly un-related facts shall become unified as my letters to the Committee are completed. Thank you so much for reading.

Yours in Liberty,  
1) “The Soong Dynasty”; Sterling Seagrave; Harper and Rowe, New  York; ISBN:0-06-015308-3; copyright 1985.  
2) George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin; Executive Intelligence Review; Washington, D.C.; 1992.Fascimile Edition – Reprinted and copyrighted 2004 by ProgressivePress.com, an imprint of “Tree of Life Books”; P.O. Box 126; Joshua Tree, CA 92252; Second printing February 2005; ISBN: 0-930852-92-3. Original edition 1992: ISBN: k0-943235-05-7; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 91-78005; EIB 92-002; Executive Intelligence Review, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390.

This book is online for free downloading:  http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm

This book is also available at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/002-0516485-5658427

3) The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve; by G. Edward Griffin;  American Media, PO Box 4646, Westlake Village, California, 91359-1646; phone: (800) 595-6596 
4) From the essay by Robert Trout entitled: "The Chinese Opium Wars: The Queen Of England Pushes Dope".  Online here:


(link good as of June, 2007)

5) To The Person Sitting In Darkness, by Mark Twain. Online here -  http://www.jeffersonrivercoalition.com/To_The_Person_Sitting_In_Darkness.htm

From that article by Mark Twain:

"Extending the Blessings of Civilization to our Brother who Sits in Darkness has been a good trade and has paid well, on the whole; and there is money in it yet, if carefully worked – but not enough, in my judgment, to make any considerable risk advisable. The People that Sit in Darkness are getting to be too scarce ­– too scarce and too shy. And such darkness as is now left is really of but an indifferent quality, and not dark enough for the game. The most of those People that Sit in Darkness have been furnished with more light than was good for them or profitable for us. We have been injudicious.

"The Blessings-of-Civilization Trust, wisely and cautiously administered, is a Daisy. There is more money in it, more territory, more sovereignty, and other kinds of emolument, than there is in any other game that is played. But Christendom has been playing it badly of late years, and must certainly suffer by it, in my opinion. She has been so eager to get every stake that appeared on the green cloth, that the People who Sit in Darkness have noticed it – they have noticed it, and have begun to show alarm. They have become suspicious of the Blessings of Civilization. More – they have begun to examine them. This is not well. The Blessings of Civilization are all right, and a good commercial property; there could not be a better, in a dim light. In the right kind of a light, and at a proper distance, with the goods a little out of focus, they furnish this desirable exhibit to the Gentlemen who Sit in Darkness...."



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