Doing Freedom masthead

Dear DF! Subscribers and Readers,

Due to some changes in my personal life, I'm going to be stepping down as co-editor and publisher of Doing Freedom! 'zine. The changes are tactical as well as financially motivated, and I believe they will enable me to both do and teach more freedom than ever before. Unfortunately, among other things, I just won't have time to devote to DF! Sunni will continue putting out great issues of the 'zine, at least until all current subscriptions have expired, and hopefully on into the future. But her time will be greatly restricted too, so the 'zine is switching to a not-for-profit, "single issue for all browsers" format. Subscribers: you will still get the same great information, art, contacts, ideas, etc. you wanted to help keep going when you subscribed. Many of the goodies previously restricted to subscribers will now be available for all browsers, however.

I do want to especially thank our subscribers for their willingness to help us keep the show on the road; we won't let you down on that score!

Bests wishes,


P.S. If you think you know what I'm up to, you may be right, but please respect my privacy and don't discuss it over clear channels. Do feel free to drop me a PGP-encrypted or hush note at if you need to talk to me about this change.

(c) 2001


Your feedback on this change for DF! is welcome. Comments may be used in the Letters to the Editor.


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